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Calvary Assembly Wants 163 More Multi-Family Units Than the Allowed 400

The 400 unit cap was included to address the school capacity/concurrency process.

We told you in 2016 that Calvary Assembly submitted a PD amendment to accommodate future development on their 39 acre property at 1199 Clay St. (MAP) for multi-family, hotel, senior assisted living and independent senior living. They got approval for 400 multifamily dwelling units (See plans) and requested the City abandon a 100 ft. long portion of Cornell Ave. located within the existing Calvary Assembly of God property.

Calvary Assembly recently requested a new growth management plan amendment to allow for the following:

  1. 163 additional multifamily units above the already approved 400 to 563 total. The 400 unit cap was included to address the school capacity/concurrency process.

  2. Delete the conditions requiring the improvement of Crandon Avenue and altogether abandon the Crandon Avenue rights-of-way adjacent to the site. The abandonment is being requested in order to create a sufficient developable area not bisected by City right of way. Calvary Assembly says abandoning this little used segment of right of way will discourage cut-through traffic and provide convenient access to residential development.

  3. Add the property at 1900 Oglesby into the subarea

  4. Amend the condition required stormwater ponds be 25’ from the rights-of-way to 10’


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