The committee wishes to help strengthen the relationship between minority communities and city government.
The inaugural meeting of the Mayor's Committee on Multicultural Affairs happened last week. Its creation came out of the development of the city’s Trust Act Policy and Resolution, passed in July 2018, to foster continued, ongoing collaboration with the local multicultural community.
The committee will help the city further the following goals:
Explore ideas and identify new opportunities to continue enhancing the engagement and strengthening the relationship between minority communities and city government.
Ensure greater integration and collaboration with multicultural communities.
Further ensure, as a community, that the diverse needs of residents continue to be met.
Ensure all residents feel welcomed, respected and accepted.
The recently appointed committee is comprised of 17 community leaders that represent diversity in race, gender, age, religious beliefs, national origin, cultural background, profession, sexual orientation and gender identity:
Yog Melwani, Chair
Gaby Ortigoni, Vice Chair
Sherry Parramore, Secretary
Rasha Mubarak
Miguel Kaled
Ben Friedman
Melissa Marantes
Jim Coffin
Coco Johnson
Rev. Dr. Rolus Frazier
Dr. Marie Jose Francois
Christopher Cuevas
Sandi Vidal
George Wallace
Wendy Doromal
Esteban Garces
Madeliene Francois