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Deadwords Brewing Company Coming to Parramore

A new brewery called Deadwords Brewing Company (Website) is in the works to take over the the existing 14,000 SF retail building at 23 N. Orange Blossom Trail (MAP) in Parramore.

They are proposing to remodel the building, which sits at the corner of North Orange Blossom Trail and Alabama Place. A small outdoor covered patio, partially screened from the parking lot with landscpe and fencing, is proposed within the existing building footprint.

The site has a 47-space parking lot.

The brewery is not planned to be scaled for high volume distribution, but rather for sales on site as well as to-go/retail sales and limited off-site distribution.

They've applied to the Municipal Planning Board for a Conditional Use Permit for an eating and drinking use in the Orange Blossom Trail Special Plan overlay and to allow alcohol consumption within 1,000 ft. of a church. Uses for the property would include a brewery and restaurant in the existing building.

The project goes before the Board December 17th.


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