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Downtown Clean Team Getting New Building in Parramore

A new building for the Downtown Clean Team is in the works for the Parramore Hertage overlay portion of The City District according to a staff report prepared for the August 18th meeting of the Municipal Planning Board.

The Downtown Clean Team utilizes the services of those requiring court ordered alternative community service work and handles the following tasks for the city:

  • Daily trash pickup of more than 300 trash cans

  • Hardscape/landscape maintenance for all CRA Streetscape Improvements (which includes 155 individual, streetscaped blocks downtown)

  • Sidewalk pressure washing

  • Graffiti removal

  • Painting and cleaning of the right of way furnishings

  • Banner and flag maintenance

An application filed by the Community Redevelopment Agency is requesting a future land use amendment and a rezoning to build a 12,800 SF building, parking lot, retention pond, and dumpster.

The project is to be located on a .766 acres assemblage of properties at 441 S. Terry Avenue (MAP); 529 & 535 Anderson Street (MAP); and 438 Chapman Court (MAP).

The project goes before the Municipal Planning Board August 18th.

South elevation

West elevation

Preliminary Site Plan

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