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Downtown Coffee Shop & Tattoo Parlor Project on Hold

parramore tattoo and coffee shop not happening after all
Proposed design for the property at 1109 W. Church Street

The downtown tattoo parlor, coffee shop and banquet hall project called Paragon Tattoos & Coffee we told you about in July planned for the property at 1109 W. Church Street (MAP) is on hold according to Paragon Tattoo's Steven Hullander. The project was pulled from the Municipal Planning Board agenda at the September 21st meeting.

The main location of Paragon Tattoos (Website) is located in Cartersville, Georgia.

RAKB Holdings, LLC purchased the property April 9, 2018, RAKB. One of the owners of the company filed a complaint with Orange County Courts to dissolve the company February 22nd. A confidential Settlement Agreement was reached in April and the complaint was dismissed June 10th.

In July, RAKB submitted a request for a Conditional Use Permit for the project and at the time, it was anticipated to go before the Municipal Planning board August 20th. At that meeting, One letter of concern and one letter of opposition were received for the above case and distributed to all Board members. The agenda item was deferred to the September 17th MPB meeting, at the request of the applicant.

The September 17th Municipal Planning Board meeting minutes state that the hearing of the consent agenda item for the project was once again deferred to the October 15, 2019 MPB Hearing, per the applicant’s request. In the meeting minutes presented to City Council and approved by them at the October 21st City Council meeting however, it's stated that "Applicant withdrew this case after MPB."


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