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$1 Million in Coronavirus Relief Going to Nonprofit Organizations From Dr Phillips Charities

Dr. Phillips Charities is named after Dr. Philip Phillips, once the largest citrus producer in the world. His Florida empire included 28 groves encompassing 9 Florida counties, a cannery, and several citrus packing houses – including the largest in the world.

Dr. Phillips Charities announced Tuesday it will be giving away up to $1 million in Coronavirus Relief grants to nonprofit organizations in Orange and Osceola counties that focus on serving the needs of Central Floridians associated with the pandemic, have developed innovations in serving the public during the pandemic, or suffered from operational impacts caused by COVID-19.

Nonprofit organizations interested in being considered may submit a COVID-19 Letter of Intent at on or before July 31, 2020.

If Dr. Phillips Charities is interested in receiving a grant proposal from an organization that submits a COVID-19 Letter of Intent, an invitation to submit a grant proposal will be made on or before August 14, 2020, and the grant proposal will be due on or before September 4, 2020.

“Many of our neighbors have been affected by the coronavirus, either from physical or economic effects, in ways not encountered before,” said Ken Robinson, President and CEO of Dr. Phillips Charities. “During this next grant cycle, Dr. Phillips will focus specifically on community building through operational support for qualified nonprofit organizations and the people they serve as they recover from the impact of COVID-19.”

Labels from various products sold by Dr Philip Phillips
The companies that bore Dr. Philip Phillips’ name produced fresh fruit and canned juice under various labels, some of which are shown here. Photo courtesy Dr Phillips Charities.

Dr. Phillips Charities is named after Dr. Philip Phillips, once the largest citrus producer in the world. His Florida empire included 28 groves encompassing 9 Florida counties, a cannery, and several citrus packing houses – including the largest in the world.


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