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Floating Movie Theatre Event Coming to Orlando

Photo Courtesy Floating Cinema

Updated 6:25 pm July 21, 2020

A new unexpected movie watching event is coming to Orlando this Fall according to Fox 13.

Locals will be able to watch a movie while floating on the water thanks to a small flotilla of even smaller boats being brought to town by Australian company Beyond Cinema.

Each boat will hold up to eight people. The aquatic theatre will feature 12 to 24 boats.

The only way to secure tickets is pay for an entire boat. This enables social distancing for families and friends.

Popcorn is included in the experience while other snacks will be available for purchase prior to boarding the boats.

The movie screenings will take place September 9th thru 13th. The location and movies being shown have not been announced yet.

The video above shows the concept being executed in Paris.


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