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UPDATED - Guide to Florida's Statewide Safer at Home Order 20-91

During the Safer at Home executive order, residents can buy food from farmers markets, farm and produce stands, food delivery services, grocery stores, and restaurants.

About Executive Order 20-91

Start Date

April 3

End Date

April 30 with the possibility of extensions

Update April 4th

Two days after Executive Order 20-91was announced Wednesday April 1st by Governor Ron DeSantis during an online press conference, the Governor released a document that clarified and changed ambiguous portions of the order. The changes are highlighted in green.

Vulnerable Residents

The order states that (1) senior citizens and (2) individuals with a significant underlying medical condition* shall stay at home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19. They may leave their homes when necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities. (*such as chronic lung disease, moderate-to-severe asthma, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised status, cancer, diabetes, severe obesity, renal failure and liver disease).

Everyone Else

The order directs all Floridians who do not fit the above two categories to limit movements and personal interactions outside the home to only those necessary to

  1. obtain essential services from businesses

  2. provide essential services at businesses

  3. conduct essential activities

Essential Services You Can Obtain and Provide

There is an entirely new updated list as of Friday. Click Here to Read

Essential Activities You Can Conduct

  1. Attending religious services conducted in churches, synagogues and houses of worship. The Florida Department of Health encourages them to follow CDC guidance specific to faith organizations. Read Them Here

  2. Participating in recreational activities such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, hunting, running, or swimming (consistent with social distancing guidelines). (The following is not an update from DeSantis. It is a clarification from the Florida Golf Association) Golf is considered an essential recreational activity. If a county closed a course, those orders must be followed. Read More About Golf Change.

  3. Taking care of pets

  4. Caring for or otherwise assisting a loved one or friend


Violation of the Governor’s Executive Order is a second-degree misdemeanor.

Services Not Deemed Essential

Services not deemed essential must close their physical locations but are encouraged to offer pick up, take out and delivery services online or by phone. Businesses can also fill out this form request the state to add them to the list of essential services.

How Does This Affect Previous Orders?

This order keeps in place all previous state orders related to COVID-19. This order supersedes all city and county orders related to COVID-19. Local authorities (are) allowed to adopt requirements directly on businesses, operations or venues, including buildings, beaches and parks, that may be stricter than the Governor’s Executive Order."

Gatherings of 10 or More Can't be Social, Recreational, or Take Place on Public Property

Executive Order 20-91 says "A social gathering in a public space is not an essential activity. Local jurisdictions shall ensure that groups of people greater than ten are not permitted to congregate in any public space."

A public health advisory against all social or recreational gatherings of 10 or more people is included in Executive Order 20-83 which went into effect March 24th and expires May 8th baring any extensions.

The language "Avoid social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people." is included in the Guidance from the CDC and President Trump Called "30 Days to Slow the Spread" which went into effect March 31st and expires April 30th baring any extensions.

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