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Curfew for Orange County Effective May 31 Until Further Notice

All of Orange County is under a curfew 10pm to 5am daily effective immediately according to Executive Order 2020-19 issued by Orlando Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings at 2:15pm on Sunday May 31st.

The County posted to Facebook saying the order is in place "until further notice." The order states the curfew will run "until terminated by executive order."

It covers all of Orange County, unincorporated and incorporated, "except jurisdictions that have already instituted a curfew."

Read the Executive Order Here

The curfew is in response to protests in Orlando that happened this weekend over the death of George Floyd.

During the hours of the curfew, all pedestrian and vehicular movement, standing and parking, is prohibited except "for individuals commuting to and from places of employment, the provision of fire, police, emergency and hospital services, medical patients utility repairs, state and local government employees providing services, and emergency calls by physicians..."

Anyone found on the streets and sidewalks in Orange County during the curfew not engaged in the above allowable activities "shall be subject to arrest..." and could face up to $500 in fines or imprisonment up to 60 days or both.

In a statement released to media, Demings said, "I support and applaud peaceful and thoughtful protests.  However, we cannot as a civilized society accept violence and destruction of property as a solution. The call to action for protests must be done in a nonviolent manner with a healthy respect for the rule of law."


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