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Orlando Bicycle Beltway to Continue Down Maguire in Front of Airport Thanks to New Gap

Updated July 19th 8:15am

A 12-ft. wide off-street bicycle trail is currently under construction on the east side of Maguire Boulevard, from Livingston Street to just south of Colonial Drive. The trail is 0.4 mile in length.

The trail plans can be seen below in documents provided by City of Orlando. To view the plans in detail click HERE.

This trail is called The Airport Gap and is one of several bicycle path gap projects underway in an effort to complete the Orlando Bicycle Beltway, an 8.5-mile loop trail that when complete will connect this area near the executive airport to Downtown Orlando and the Central Business District.

Specifically, The Airport Gap will connect the existing Cady Way Trail north of Colonial Drive with the Lake Underhill Path’s terminus at Livingston Street. This trail is the eastern portion of the Bicycle Beltway providing a view of the Orlando Executive Airport and a direct connection to Orlando Festival Park.

When construction is complete, The Airport Gap will allow users to bike from Lake Underhill to Baldwin Park entirely off street on a safe and scenic route.

Four large mature oak trees were removed in areas where the path is to be located. City Public Information Officer Samantha Holsten told The Daily City, “The trees were identified in the Orlando Executive Airport Layout Plan Update as potential obstacles into and out of the airportdue to their location within the Runway Protection Zone. The area will be replanted with under-story trees in compliance with allowable landscape heights surrounding the airport.“ The understory trees will be palm trees and crepe myrtle.

Funding for this portion of the beltway came from the city's Neighborhood Improvement Bond.

The beltway when complete will utilize the Orlando Urban Trail, Gertrude's Walk, Lake Underhill Path, Cady Way Trail and Bumby Path. 

The Airport Gap starts at the intersection of Maguire & Livingston and travels towards Colonial. Image courtesy City of Orlando.

The Airport Gap continues past the intersection of Amelia & Maguire going towards Colonial. Image courtesy City of Orlando.

The Airport Gap continues past the intersection of Fairgreen & Maguire going towards Colonial. Image courtesy City of Orlando.

This tree used to be at the intersection of Fairgreen & Maguire. Image courtesy Google Maps.

This tree used to be located between Livingston and Amelia on Maguire. Image courtesy Google Maps.

This tree used to be located next to the tree above also between Livingston and Amelia on Maguire. Image courtesy Google Maps.

This tree used to be located at Livingston & Maguire. Image courtesy Google Maps.

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