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Live Telethon with Old School Jerry Lewis Feel to Stream Live Saturday to Help Local Performers

Several local performers will take to the streaming airwaves of youtube in a nod to telethons of days gone by to raise fund for working performers who've ben affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you don't know about these old school telethons, go talk to your grandparents or start here.

The telethon is called No Days Off Orlando (Website | Facebook) and will run 6pm til midnight Saturday March 21st.

The telethon will have notable guest hosts, speakers, comedians and more.

It will be hosted by Andy Matchett, a local singer, songwriter, playwright, director and actor and shooting live at Blackburst Entertainment studios, a block away from the intersection of Mills Avenue and Highway 50.

Viewers will be able to enjoy entertainment while leaving tips online through PayPal and Venmo.

Matchett told Broadway World, "I want this to feel like the old-school Jerry Lewis telethons. A lot of movement, action, music and comedy. All with a great cause behind it."

The organizers' goal is to have at least two separate filming spaces in the studio: one for live bands and the other for solo performers.


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