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Orlando Dog Bar Boozehounds Will Not Open in Edgewood - New Location to Be Announced

Back in January 2019 the owners of a new concept called Boozehounds Dog Bar (Instagram) announced they'd be opening a new dog friendly off leash drinking establishment at 5501 S. Orange Avenue (MAP) in Edgewood by summer of that year.

As what happens with many businesses trying to get off the ground, the process to open went slower than expected. They detail their travails on their instagram page.

On August 6th they announced their project, three years in the making, would not be moving forward after all in Edgewood at all. The owners said the issue they could not get past was parking. "...we couldn’t secure the parking agreements that were required to get our permit," they shared in an instagram post.

"We were determined that we could make our beautiful property in the City of Edgewood be the headquarter location for Boozehounds Dog Bar, but after a tremendous amount of energy, time, money, and relentless effort, we confirmed that we must move on. "

The project may not be happening in Edgewood, but it will be happening somewhere. Boozehounds says they found a new location for doggy drinking. "... we are taking our dog bar to another property," they said. The owners have not shared the address of the location yet.

"...the good news is there’s plenty of parking!"

Below are rendering the owners shared of their dog park concept back in December 2018.

Renderings courtesy Boozehounds Dog Bar


Read the full message from Boozehounds Dog Bar below:


After 3 years of blood, sweat, and tears, we have decided that the writing is on the wall, and we need to flourish elsewhere. We were determined that we could make our beautiful property in the City of Edgewood be the headquarter location for Boozehounds Dog Bar, but after a tremendous amount of energy, time, money, and relentless effort, we confirmed that we must move on. We don’t always choose where we land. Sometimes, where we belong, chooses us.🐾💗🐾

While opposition and challenges are part of everything in life, we encountered an obstacle that became insurmountable. PARKING.🤦🏻‍♀️Yes, in 2020, in the asphalt jungle we live in, we couldn’t secure the parking agreements that were required to get our permit, so we are taking our dog bar to another property near you.

While we can’t disclose the new location until we’re further along in the process, the good news is there’s plenty of parking!🙄🚘

We greatly appreciate the on-going support and will always fight to bring you the best product and experience you and your pups could hope for and expect!🍺🐾😄

Onwards and upwards!🌈☀️🐶

Be well and stay safe friends.💗


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