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Orlando Restaurants and Stores Can Operate in Parking Lots and Sidewalks

Photo Credit: Wix

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer announced Monday May 4th the City of Orlando is advancing a package of actions that provide opportunities for businesses to temporarily expand their operational space and market their businesses outside, without the need to obtain city permits or pay any fees.  

This addresses the re-opening of businesses within the City of Orlando under Phase 1 of the State of Florida’s Executive Order 20-112, which requires retail or restaurant businesses to operate at 25 percent of their indoor capacity among other things. That order went into effect Monday May 4th.

The opportunities being offered by the City of Orlando:

  • Allowing businesses to expand retail sales and restaurant seating into outdoor areas such as private parking lots and public rights-of-way   

  • Authorizing businesses to use small, farmer’s market-style 12’ x 12’ tents to accommodate for sales and seating outdoors 

  • Granting businesses the ability to use extra banners and signage for marketing 

  • Covering the costs of downtown parking to encourage residents to patronize businesses within the urban core 

Businesses can begin taking advantage of the majority of these opportunities effective immediately.  The ability to expand operations into a public right-of-way and the downtown parking program will be considered by City Council on Monday, May 11.  

Additionally, at the May 11 meeting, City Council will also vote to suspend the need to obtain any permits or pay any fees in order to take advantage of these new programs. 

All programs will be available to businesses until September 1, 2020. 

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