UCF’s Parramore Healthy Community Coalition (About) is providing $9,000 to the City of Orlando to support a project called The Garden (Website), a program of the City's Office of Sustainability and Resilience.
UCF established the Parramore Healthy Community Coalition, which is focused on creating a healthy community model that encompasses individual health, civic health and community health, through a $600,000 grant from the Florida Blue Foundation (Website).
The Garden will work with the ACE School community, including 7th and 8th grade students and their families, by providing a 12-week hands-on environmental curriculum that includes gardening, field trips, and a harvest event. The program will address food insecurity and expand students’ love of nature.
The grant will support 2 part-time temporary seasonal workers who will each work for 75-100 hours in total over the 12 week period and receive $20/hour. Approximate staff costs will be $3,000 and are covered by the grant.
Funds may also be used for field trips and a harvest event for the ACE School community.
This project is on the Mayor's Consent Agenda and goes before City Council for final approval November 11th.