Sydgan Corp is working on a hotel project in Winter Park to be located on 4.84 acres of assembled properties at 655 West Morse Boulevard and 656, 660, 664, 672, and 710 Symonds Avenue.
The plans call for the hotel to be 3 stories tall and 115,000 SF. It would contain 140 rooms, a restaurant, and a ballroom/meeting space.
The hotel is expected to create approximately 65-70 jobs in the Hannibal Square district totaling approximately $2,500,00 in salaries and benefits annually.
The 269 space parking garage and the two office buildings facing Morse currently present on the property would remain.
The main entrance of the hotel would be located at 171 N. Pennsylvania Avenue (MAP).
New on-street parking spaces would be created along Pennsylvania Avenue. Valet parking would be utilized for most of the hotel guests via the Pennsylvania Avenue frontage.
The existing parking garage would be used by the hotel. A 40-space parking lot would be added for employee use.
The hotel plans have been reviewed by all city departments.
At the February 4th City of Winter Park Planning and Zoning Board meeting Sydgan submitted a request for conditional use to construct the hotel as well as ordinances to change the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use element text policies, to change the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use map from Single-Family and Low Density residential on 0.97 acres of the site to Commercial, and 0.97 acres of the site to change the Zoning Map from Single Family and Low Density Residential to Commercial.
Two public hearings on February 24 and March 9th are scheduled.
The decision of the Board on each public hearing item is a recommendation to the City Commission. The City Commission will render a final decision.
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