Lots of changes are expected to come to properties located mostly along the stretch of Orange Avenue in Winter Park between Orlando Avenue and Fairbanks Avenue. This is due to the probable passing of the amendment to the City's comprehensive plan creating the Orange Avenue Overlay District (Website).
The Amendment had its first reading in front of City of Winter Park Commissioners January 16th.
To see the exact properties and areas affected, click here.
The City of Winter Park's Orange Avenue Overlay Steering Committee, with input gathered from Winter Park residents at 12 separate public meetings, created the language within the Orange Avenue Overlay District.
The Orange Avenue Overlay District is a guide map showing where high and low density housing, green spaces, open spaces to gather, parking garages, pedestrians, cyclists, cars, retail, stormwater retention areas, styles of architecture and more will be placed.
The District is divided into Subareas for high, medium, and low density. Each Subarea has differing rules governing how much bulk a building can have, how high a building can be, and how many dwelling units a building can contain. The subareas are meant to compliment each other. To read the requirements of all eleven Subareas, click here.
The City says having projects with high density gathered together in one subarea versus spreading them throughout the district is "key to the successful creation of mixed-use districts and creat(ing) development(s) that can fund the needed parking and regional stormwater areas in the district." The City goes on to say "by clustering the intensity, there will be a reduction in overall massing and building heights throughout the district."
The City also is requiring open areas with the goal of creating "the opportunity for social interaction, relaxation, recreation and reflection." 25% of each redeveloped property or project 1.5 acres in size and larger must contain at least 25% "meaningful open space." Open space is defined as areas that are open and inviting to the public and can include green areas, hardscape areas, semi-pervious areas, balcony or roof areas that are open to the public and other similar-type spaces. At least 65% of these open spaces must be green space which does not mean retention ponds, parking lot islands or landscape planting areas around building bases. At least 90% of the open space must be provided at ground level.
Properties currently used and developed as residential prior to the effective date of Amendment are not subject to overlay district rules. If those properties get redeveloped, then the rules go into effect for that property.
Read more about the Orange Avenue Overlay Project HERE.
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